Calendar of Events

John Dawson Art Show
From Friday, March 07, 2025 -  05:00am
To Saturday, March 29, 2025 - 07:00pm
Hits : 123
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Casa Grande Art Museum:

Opening Details

  • Exhibit Openings are held on Fridays from 5:00 to 7:00 PM on the first day of the show.
  • A reception is held on the Exhibit Opening night to provide guests the opportunity to meet the artist and mingle with other art lovers.  Refreshments are frequently provided at the reception.
  • After the initial opening, the exhibit is available for viewing for three weeks during regular museum hours:

Museum Hours:

  • Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
  • 11 AM - 2 PM

About us

Casa Grande Mainstreet is dedicated to To supporting the vision of Historic Downtown by enhancing the economic vitality, promoting and marketing the District, fostering partnerships and acting as the lead advocate for Historic Downtown and its historic preservation.