Calendar of Events

Full Moon Ride
Friday, September 29, 2023, 08:00pm - 10:00pm
Hits : 1616
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Contact Round Trip Bike Shop

Have you ever ridden in the dark by the light of a full moon? If so then you know this is a magical time to experience the sonoran desert. If you've never done it but have always wanted too, this is your chance. We will be in the pedals at 8pm and should be done with in an hour or so. Route will be the easy to moderate "Fast and Fun" route. Unfortunately, this isn't the ride for beginners or small children. Bicycle decoration and rider costumes encouraged. Prizes for best will be given. Park and start at the North Trail head 1/4 mile off Peart road.

For any questions, contact us at (520) 836-0799

About us

Casa Grande Mainstreet is dedicated to To supporting the vision of Historic Downtown by enhancing the economic vitality, promoting and marketing the District, fostering partnerships and acting as the lead advocate for Historic Downtown and its historic preservation.