Historic Preservation
Historic Preservation

Casa Grande Main Street is all about the improvements and keeping history alive in downtown! Check out some of the projects over the years!

Preservation Projects
Membership Promotion
Member Promotion

Support our members to keep downtown strong and a continued amazing destination

Membership Directory

An exciting array of events in downtown Casa Grande. Visit the calendar of events to see what's going on in downtown!

Event Calendar

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Mission Statement

To support the vision of Historic Downtown by enhancing the economic vitality, promoting and marketing the District, fostering partnerships and acting as the lead advocate for Historic Downtown and its historic preservation.


Vision Statement

Downtown will be an exciting, visually appealing, easily accessible, safe, balanced mix of uses that integrates residential, office, retail, entertainment, dining, and cultural and civic activities that is recognized as the heart of the community.

Volunteers are what make us!

We would love to have you help us out!  Find out today, how you can make a difference.  Check it out today!!!

Casa Grande Mainstreet Champion Members

Explore Pinal
City of Casa Grande

About us

Casa Grande Mainstreet is dedicated to To supporting the vision of Historic Downtown by enhancing the economic vitality, promoting and marketing the District, fostering partnerships and acting as the lead advocate for Historic Downtown and its historic preservation.