Become a “Member” today and enjoy great benefits!
Membership Benefits
- Listing in the Downtown Visitor Guide and Online Membership Directory
- $100 member discount for Annual Street Fair Booth Space
- Promotional support in Main Street office/website calendar of events and social media
- Ribbon cuttings/Anniversary celebrations
- Membership window sticker
- Members with historic properties have an opportunity to be recognized during State Preservation Week through the Arizona
- Liaison support with city, county, state small business and historic preservation matters
- Liaison to advocacy groups like Local First Arizona and Arizona Downtown Alliance
- Opportunity to serve on the Main Street Board of Directors or a Main Street Committee
Membership Levels
Ready to become a member?
Download the membership application, call 836-8744 or E-mail Us
There is not a requirement to be in the district to become a member. We welcome members throughout the community that are interested in supporting the historic downtown revitalization.